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The Most Versatile User Generated Content Platform

Collect relevant content from across social and direct uploads.

Aggregating UGC from social network based on hashtags, mentions and keywords

Capture the most compelling and relevant UGC from social platforms based on hashtags, mentions, geo-location, follower-count and more.

Collecting zero-party data from audiences with custom branded forms

Collect comments, photos, videos, and zero-party data directly from your audiences with branded, custom forms you can embed anywhere.

Aggregating and filtering user-generated content form social networks

Capture content in real-time. Automatically filter content relevant to your brand with built-in whitelists, blacklists, and profanity filters.

Save time moderating. Curate feeds your audience will love.

Real-time team moderation on any device for social media campaigns

Moderate content in real-time on any device, with advanced tools for teams to simultaneously manage multiple campaigns.

Tag, pin, and schedule UGC on social display walls

Pin and schedule your most engaging UGC. Tag and group content to repurpose across different touchpoints or across campaigns.

Manual and auto-moderation of user-generated content

Save time with automated features for moderation, detecting content deleted on social networks, and removing unwanted content.

Add authentic, social proof across your customer journey.

Publishing social proof in inspiration galleries, products and landing pages

Publish UGC feeds featuring your products to add authentic social proof on link in bio, inspiration, product page and more...

Tagging products in visual UGC with shoppable Hotspots and CTAs

Import product catalogue directly from your ecommerce store and easily tag your products where they appear in UGC.

Social commerce with shoppable Hotspots and CTAs on UGC

Create direct paths to purchase or learn more about your products with shoppable hotspots and call-to-action buttons.

Create unique brand experiences.

Interactive UGC display walls with search optimized responsive themes

Get all the SEO benefits of UGC without impacting your page rank with responsive, search optimised themes that work on any device.

Styling UGC social feeds to match your brand with zero-code visual editor

Style your feeds to match your brand with our no-code visual editor. There’s also full HTML, CSS, JS, and API access for developers.

Mixing earned media and brand media in UGC marketing

Upload and mix branded or sponsored content alongside your curated UGC to maximise promotions and advertising opportunities.

Publish relevant content. Anywhere.

Embed real-time social media walls on websites and ecommerce stores

Inspire and engage your audience with real-time, curated feeds embedded across your website, ecommerce store and mobile apps.

Increase engagement with UGC on digital signage and displays

Create connected, shared experience to increase engagement by showcasing UGC on in-store digital signage, and digital displays.

Authorized access for private UGC feeds on websites and digital displays

Keep your feeds private with Authorised Domains and Access Tokens to prevent unwanted viewing or embedding of your content.

Track and view actionable insights.

Tracking events for UGC in Google Analytics

Configurable reports that provide actionable insights into the performance of your UGC – in-app and with Google Analytics.

Track UGC marketing performance

Understand where your audience are most engaged. Segment and compare acquired UGC across your campaigns and products.

Tracking UGC marketing analytics

Identify your most actionable content, most influential contributors, top performing products, adverts, and sponsors.

Security and Compliance.

User roles for user generated content team moderators

Invite internal and external team members. Assign user roles to restrict access privileges and disable or revoke access at any time.

Audit logs in UGC platform for agencies

Easily switch between and manage multiple accounts. Each account also includes an independent audit log of all activity.

GDPR and CCPA compliant UGC visual content marketing platform

Buzzspark is GDPR & CCPA compliant, and we work with sub-processors, contractors and partners who are also compliant.

Ready to get started?

Start a free trial or get in touch. Our team can answer any questions and help you find the best solution to make the most impact for your business.

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